Today Leena and I ran and got sushi and took it back to have lunch with our friend Kristin and her bebes. Her eldest daughter is hilarious. Leena has dressed herself in a one piece denim jumper, skeleton pants underneath and a stripe rainbow shirt on under the jumper as well. Kristin overheard this tidbit when seeing how the girls were getting along in their room.
"This is Leena. She dressed herself. You're going to be nice to her." (speaking to her younger sister.)
The rest of our day out consisted of dropping off packages at UPS and hitting the bookstore to find a book for my Project: Chasing Beauty monthly spotlight. (Click on the project title to go to the site.) I was looking for a book on Anne Frank, which I found but didn't buy yet, or any other woman that was suggested to me by my friend Kina but the book, "Autobiography of a Face" jumped out at me when going doing the aisle. It seems so interesting. It's the story of Lucy Grealy. We'll be studing her for the month of October. I would love for you to come and interact with us on the page.

Happy October everyone!
Peace and Love.
glad you found a book! we had fun today! the girls are refering to Leena as their best friend now lol.
Did you put the note saying "You're Beautiful" on the sign for Diet and Nutrition? Excellent.
Yeah I did Nicole. :) I felt like I was doing something illegal. haha
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