Today was spent lounging around the house. I haven't been up to doing too much these past few days. Hopefully tomorrow I can kick my butt into gear. Leena is having one of her "You're not the boss of me" weeks and it is a bit draining. She is hilarious though and keeps me on my toes. The other afternoon I was in the kitchen making her lunch and she was going potty and from across the house she yells, "Momma! I'm pooping!" And I said, "Oh really, you're pooping huh?" and she yells back, "Yeah! It's coming out right now!" Apparently my daughter has learned the art of "TMI" from her mommy. Leena saw "The Little Mermaid" for the first time today. She loved it and asked for it again as soon as the credits started.
Tonight we met my wonderful acupuncturist and friend, Keetha, for coffee. She's showing me the cool coffeehouses in town instead of me having to go to Starbucks since my favorite shop went out of business. :( Anyways, it was a lovely little shop and they do art showings and have musicians. I, of course, hinted to the owner that I would love to show some of my work there if he'd want. :D Oh how I would love to do a gallery showing, especially in a coffee shop.

Keetha showed Leena her piano "app" on her iPhone.

She's gorgeous. You can tell from just her profile. :)

Leena made a new friend. She insisted Keetha carry her to the car when we left.

This musician was setting up to play as we were heading out. I wanted to stay to hear him but it was getting too late for Leena. His name is Kris Harper. (His name is Robert Paulson...His name is.......)
On the way out to meet Keetha, Mr. UPS man dropped off my Punjammies from the International Princess Project. This is such an amazing organization and I urge all of you to buy yourself a pair when you have some extra money.

They are so soft and comfy not to mention beautiful. :) Just a quick photo. I will do a better one soon.
Here's a video about what the organization does. Click here! Buy Punjammies here!
You won't regret it and you'll be saving so many young girls and women who have been trafficked into the sex industry against their will.
Peace and love.
P.S. This is Ziggy.

Ziggy likes long walks on the beach, picking up trash others have left behind. He likes picnics under the moon and reading books in the shade of a tree. He likes playing the drums on some wild mushrooms. He's not afraid of his feminine side and is looking for a "forever" mate. If you know the gnome for him, let me know.
Ziggy likes long walks on the beach, picking up trash others have left behind. He likes picnics under the moon and reading books in the shade of a tree. He likes playing the drums on some wild mushrooms. He's not afraid of his feminine side and is looking for a "forever" mate. If you know the gnome for him, let me know.
Well there is always Sebastian here is Texas, but I dont know if Ziggy swings that way!
love those pj pants! awesomeness...
i wanna go to the coffee shop when we come!
leena is so precious. i miss her.
good times, love this post.
Katie! Haha yes I made one of these, and I found you on here. Leena is so pretty, and your hair looks good, I like the braid. The color goes with you very well
Karly!!!! hehe yeah, I am fired on the whole calling you thing. Call me whenever! Yay! glad we can keep up through this too. :)
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