Hey everyone! Here's a little update about the happenings of our house the last few days. (These are all backwards and discombobulated because frankly I am too lazy tonight to organize them.)

I added this new print to the shop. :)

Jessica and her gorgeous son Holland came over to play. I may or may not have bribed Jessica with homemade pecan cinnamon bread french toast to get her over early-ish.

Holland was very interested in Leena's buggy.

And we all laid on one of my newly goodwilled/thrifted (whatever you want to call it) afghan and watched the clouds.

Holland said it was a bunny.

I hosted my own "Truman Show" for our nieces. "Da da da da da Inspector Gadget!" And no, Joey rarely wears a shirt.

I painted this girlie.

I made two loaves of cinnamon bread in one week. Obsessive much?

I also obsessively wore my hair in braids, which I just learned the fishtail braid.

I decided where my matryoshka tattoo will be going, which is being designed by the lovely Kim-Anh Nguyen.

Oh look another photo of me. Sheesh Katie, get OVER yourself already. (I SWEAR, lots of photos of Leena coming.) This is Donna's new doggie. I want to steal her and love her and pet her and.....

We have had a wagon ride almost every day. Nope, she wasn't sleeping. She got really peeved when the wagon rides ended the last few days but momma passing out in the middle of the street when she starts to get too hot like this morning, not good. So it's best to just quite while you are ahead. Just FYI.

She got to learn more about pinecones.

She happily sat the whole time in the wagon on this 45 minute walk where I decided to test out my new found confidence in my legs and do the walk in shorts! ;)

I was very pleased with this outfit. :)

Brownie met little Miss Sweetpea when Donna brought her over to watch Leena so Joey and I could actually go on a date.

Oh my, I am a lucky girl.

Yep, another braid.

We went to the restaurant that we had gone on our first date after Leena was born. Appetizer and dessert. Mmmmmm. Scallops Rockefeller to share, chocolate soufflé for me and raspberry creme brulee for Joey.

Leena sprayed me with the hose after our walk with Daddy...which the photos of the walk come after these. I'm telling you. I am that lazy tonight.

Joey said he was TRYING to get this shot. Thanks babe.

Koolaid/Gatorade concoction is yummy.


It was hot, she was quite happy with her creamsicle.

She ate half of Joey's also. Sugar anyone?

See, he brought it upon himself. Which actually I think that was my creamsicle that I gave Joey because I no longer wanted any.

Gosh they are beautiful. :)

I think this is where Joey threw his back out hunching over to push Leena on her little trike the whole walk because momma declared herself too sore to do it and stole daddies bike. That mommy. She's so mean. ;)

The nicest old man was talking to us saying we were a cute family and thought Leena was just too adorable. I have to agree. Well, you know, when she's not screaming.

She loves this bike.

This man needs more stylish glasses. ;)

She can barely peddle, so it falls upon one of our shoulders to push her around on her bike.

In other news, I have a sale going on in my shop right now. All prints are buy one get one 1/2 off. That counts for 2 prints, 4 prints, 6, 8, 10 etc. I will refund the difference of the smaller priced prints via paypal after payment has been received. Go check it out here.
Peace and love.
yay, i love it when you do a big photo update! i cant wait to see leena! she looks so cute on her bike. and that denim jumper is to die for! i love that photo of you when you went to dinner, im stealing it! and i just love you.
Katelyn I loved reading this post! Lovely braids btw...I need to google the how-to on the fish tail. My hair's finally long enough to do fun things with it. I hope your artwork makes it on the coffe shop walls!
KD! I love the sideways french braid! My mom used to fishtail braid my hair as a kid, but it takes me FOREVER to do it on myself. Yours look super cute!
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