Get ready to say, "Holy cow that's a lot of photos!" Yep I stink at narrowing down photos. Ready for this?

Look at that for bubble placement!

Veggie dogs anyone?

He says this is his zoolander face.

"Hey Donna, how does it feel to be celebrating our country kicking your country's ass today?"

mmmm, dead animal...

I think he likes beer? ha!

How many people does it take to work a (non-powered) lawnmower?

Daddy's little photo shoot he did with her. And, that is a crawfish hole she is playing in.

Tired? NAH!

Cranky? NO WAY!

Love this look.

Best background face ever.

Uh oh! Someone's skinny dipping!

She was balancing all by herself.

One s'more before bed.

Blurry, yes, but I love this photo.


Then Joey shot off fireworks for us all. He was glad to discover that after 3 years of storing these, 1 1/2 of those being in a carport closet in the humidity, that they were not duds.
Patchwork folk shirt by the lovely Laura of Violet Bella. :) Go shop!
Our fourth was amazing. Thank you Donna for letting us crash your house. :)
{Peace and Love}
Oh yes, don't forget the giveaway.
these have to be some of the most beautiful photos i have seen. love them all. the processing is amazing. you came away with precious captures. and the bubble photos, omg! love!
the dress the other girl is wearing is so cute! and i love her hooping shots!
and so nice to see joey in the photos since he is home. he looked so happy playing with leena.
and the one of you helping leena on the bike is sooooo beautiful!!!!
love love love this post!
Your photos are like eye candy, I LOVE going through them, so amazing! You captured your day so nicely, it feels like I was there. Oh my gosh, those bubble pictures, perfect!!
We need more pictures of you mama, I'm glad we got some! Leena looks so cute in all her photos.. I love the one by the pool, I can't believe she went through all that with no nap!
Thanks for posting all of these, I LOVE big photo blogs!
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