So besides having edited my soul away a little bit, what have we been up to? Well....
We've gone to eat at Roly Poly because momma wanted to try the new frozen yogurt.

Where Leena picked out her own chips, who might I add has good taste.

And Leena tried to take the whole frozen yogurt for herself.

So momma got her her own bowl and divvied up an appropriate "kid-sized" bowl for her.

Our toppings were blueberries and chocolate chips. Mmmm.

Then we had company, in the form of 5 adorable kids so their mommy could go grocery shopping in peace. Peace is always good.

Where momma practiced her braiding and the other's watched a movie and hula hooped.

We've had late nights at Miss Donna's while husbands were away, watching movies.

We took in a stray and Leena named him Cheerio.

That Leena loves....and tortures by carrying him around.

Who we've found to be harder to get acclimated to home life than the other rescue kitty in our lives, Bonzai.

And has made his comfort spot my lap while I edit late at night.

We got momma her lovely, GIGANTIC, epipen to have with her at all times, just in case.

We saw a Piggly Wiggly on the way home from blueberry picking, where momma didn't take ANY photos but a ton of video to make a "Familymentory." (Be on the lookout for that.)

We ate amazing Indian food, that Leena loved as well.

And passed out in cars on the way home from a long day of picking blueberries. (Note: She was really cranky and asked for her bear and the second I handed it to her she snuggled up with both and instantly fell asleep.)

We made a giant pot of blood blueberry syrup, with our good picks.

And canned them up to ship out to some lucky souls. :)

Then had blueberry pancakes the next morning with of course, you guessed it, homemade blueberry syrup. Did I mention we picked them at an Organic farm? Yep, I had to.

P.S. Fake bacon is good, or "facon" as my friend Kina would call it.

Leena gave herself a mustache with her blueberry syrup. I am just going to call it the Charlie Chaplin because I do not want her referred to as any other terrible man that had this style 'stache.

She tried to put on a hooded sweatshirt as pants, then got really irritated they wouldn't stay up on their own.

We've made hoops. A ton. And one that is so big that it reaches across my car touching both doors while we drove home with it crammed in the back.

I got a present from a wonderful friend, Hannah, when I posted,"can someone get me a mouse pad that doesn't have an oil rig on it" on my facebook about two weeks ago as a joke. Well lo and behold, I got my wish and it's so cute!

We took Daddy to Roly Poly when he got home from being offshore so he could try the frozen yogurt as well, where Leena immediately picked out the SAME chips as last time.

I enjoyed my kitty cat shoes. I have come to the point of not caring if people will stare at my feet, which happened again tonight, and have worn them everywhere. Only took me a few months, but we are like two peas in a pod now. Okay well three peas. We're those special pods.

We tie dyed.

We obliged Leena's request that we all play hopscotch.

I got acupuncture.

We've all learned to love the cat.

Even if he shamelessly licks himself during photos.

We've seen wasps the size of Antarctica, in the bug world.

We've finally returned to the dentist to get mommy's non-pimptastic crown put on.

And said, "yikes momma, you look mighty tired." (I figure, the dentist and I are over the honeymoon stage. He's tortured me enough that he no longer gets to see the put together mommy. ;) )

We've had some smiles.

And some grabbiness.

And pretended we were talking to daddy...on an ipod.

Then got back to grumpiness. Leena's had a lot of grumpiness in the past week.

We finally taped our nekkid hoops.

Happy Birthday Laura! Can't wait to give this to you in person!

Another practice hoop for momma.

A Leena hoop.

We made a monster, since now Leena is obsessed with Monsters from watching Monsters, Inc. (I only put the horns on, Leena was responsible for the rest.)
Then Leena made everyone else wear one of the extra eyes that came in the pack.

We've seen momma's hair go through multiple shades of red while trying to re-pigment it.

We've gotten photos printed out for giveaway winners. :)

We've made an owl for Leena's room.

And have grown some gnarly unibrows.

So has auntie.

We've seen the once angry, first cat of our house come to like the new addition.

We've hooped. Boy, have we hooped.

We got out of the house to go get a burrito to share tonight.

And we've snuggled with kitties in laundry baskets.

Peace and Love.
1 comment:
even though i already knew all of this, i loved seeing these all again! i love your little family. 2 more weeks!!!!
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