Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 15

I feel like this blog is only about me being pregnant now.
In all honesty in life, it's not all about me being pregnant even if I am whiny about it this time around.
As I sit here typing, Leena is beside me coloring and telling me what I should draw. She thinks I am some amazing artist when in actuality I truly struggle most of the time with my drawing.
I was sick last week with a giant lymph node from a cold sore. It made my whole body sore and exhausted. Luckily Joey was home to take care of Leena and I. I basically spent two days in the recliner watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Any little movement, like to go to the bathroom or to get something to eat made me out of breath.

I found myself easily frustrated with the daily life of being a stay at home mom through the first couple of months of being pregnant. I worry constantly about how Leena will react to having a sibling. I am sure most mother's go through this when going from one child to two. I worry she will feel replaced. I worry she will miss all the mommy/Leena time we have now even if sometimes I can tell she is sick of all the mommy/Leena time with Joey being offshore. I worry I won't be able to adjust to being a mother of two. I know most of my worries are normal and due to hormones but that doesn't make them any less real at this moment in time.
On a happier note, Leena is signed up for dance classes in July. I am so excited for her. I will probably cry. This will be the first thing she will do completely without me.
We have also started focusing more on homeschooling her and starting with preschool.

With week 15 here, that means baby Junebug is the size of a naval orange. I felt him or her first move at week 12. Yes, I feel my babies super early compared to the norm. I feel little flutters here and there and can't wait till they get strong enough that Leena and Joey can feel him or her kick and punch. I've been feeling pretty good, pregnancy wise. Some days I am extremely tired and other days I am rearing to go. It's too hot to do much of anything however. I am over my whole aversion to yummy green veggies which makes me extremely happy. I've started back on drinking green smoothies and am determined to start having one every day again like I was prepregnancy. Oh and other than that, I am HUGE. I already have a basketball under my shirt.
Donna took my 15 week photos. I edited them. She did amazing.
And goofy pictures...because I can never go a shoot without goofy shots.

I am planning blogs and features. Working on items for the shop. And trying to get my house back in order because it's a complete disaster right now. I can't work or live like this. Organization has never been a strong quality of mine and I don't want our kids growing up with this issue of mine! I am so sick of disorganization and lack of motivation to get going most days! I'm working on this.
I need to get back to hooping.
Back to working out.
Back to being super involved with my OWN life!

On the blog agenda:
Blueberry picking day
Our trip to Texas
Leena's views
and more!

For now, it's smoothie time and Leena and I are going to go outside so she can play in her kiddie pool.
Peace and Love!


Roots and Feathers said...

love the photos, great job donna! beautiful lighting. i love seeing this little junebug grow so fast! i cant wait for the leena's view feature, sounds cute! ill try to be your motivation partner!

Eva said...

congratulations! :)