Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Dilemma

I have struggled with this the last 3 years…do I introduce Santa as a part of our Christmas traditions or do we not? I want Leena to get the true meaning of Christmas. The colors, the sounds, the feelings, the smells, the tastes. The FAMILY. The giving, the kindness, the goodness, and most of all the greatest present that was given to us, the life. The celebration of a man, born to save us from our sins. Wash away the bad. That is what I want her to know. By not giving Leena the "Santa" aspect of Christmas am I cheating her out of a large portion of the innocence of childhood? She knows who Santa is…but I have never once told her she better be good so Santa brings her a present. That is so, for lack of a better term, ass-backwards from what I want her to learn from this holiday. I am so torn.


Peace and Love.


{b.strenth♥} said...

I agree. I am pretty torn also, I mean I know Santa is a childhood thing like the tooth fairy and easter bunny, but to me it's sort of lying. No Santa didn't put out money for your lovely gifts, mommy and daddy did and it's not about the latest newest toy you get, it's about appreciating it and the entire celebration of has become way too much about gifts and not so much of giving!

Chrissy said...

I agree as well, but it is hard, because everyone else does it (Santa, Toothfairy, St. Niklas...) and then it can get confusing to explain. On the other hand, they ask questions like, "why did Santa bring my best friend this and that, but he didn't bring it to me...", so, you see where I'm coming's a hard decision...especially when they get to the age where other kids tell them that there is no Santa and so on...
If I were to decide again, my daughter is 7,5, I think I'd tell her the truth!

Lil Muse Lily said...

i never believed in Santa but, my husband believed in him until he was 12. i know!!
i think we are going to try to make Lily believe in Santa also.
i love how you always have great music playing on here. thanks! :)

Charlotte said...

Such a tough question. I'm glad that you want to impress Leena with the true meaning of Christmas, of Who it's really about. But then do you become that parent who has the kid who tells everyone else "Santa isn't real"? How do you deal with the questions from Leena, like "why do other kids believe in Santa?" Yikes.

My husband grew up Santa-free; my parents did Santa. Right now (we don't have kids yet) we're leaning towards Santa-free.

BabyBundtBakery said...

I have already told Lily that Christmas is Jesus' birthday....shes really into birthdays since we go to so many in our playgroup. I told her that Jesus is the son of God and he loves her sooooo much that he wants her to have presents on his birthday. I told her that CHristmas is about celebrating him and the presents are a bonus. Now granted she is only 2 so im not sure how much of it shes grasps but she now knows that CHristmas is Jesus' birthday but she still gets presents....we will fill in the rest of the blanks later but we will do santa. She is just going to know what its about and santa is a bonus. at least thats my hope