Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I mustache you a question.

That cheesy pun was courtesy of my friend Chelsea.

These girls.
I was just thinking about how I was hoping Penelope was a boy when I was pregnant because I wasn't sure if I could handle two sassy girls.
I am actually so glad for my two little girls.
Bring on the sass!

The other day, I brought up the idea of turning Penelope's room into a studio/office for myself to Joey and Leena and having the girls share a room when Penelope gets older and moves out of our room.
I asked Leena what she thought and she was totally on board.
I grew up sharing a room with two other sisters and no matter how crazy it got, I am glad I did.
Life was so full and happy.
We were always giggling and playing games with each other.
There was a badass bunk bed my dad built and we'd rotate beds every few weeks.
Like literally, we rotated our mattresses because we were territorial of them.
We made up a game where we'd have to hide from any cars coming up the street by going under our covers.
The premise of the game?
Who knows.
We were kids and it was awesome. 
That was the premise.

I can't wait to see the fun these two will share by sharing a room, even though I know they will be creating mischief.

As for me.
I am loving having a space to myself. It has a long way to go but it's already so fun.
Here's a little peek into the studio, with a cute baby to look at.

Today I also started the Intuitive Heart Sanctuary with Lauren Luquin and I'm so excited to dig in and do this inner soul work.
I can't wait to meet some new gals and do some art projects.
Three lovely ladies are also a part of the group of gals.
My dready friend Rain from The Sacred Life
And a lovely gal, who is always leaving me supportive and sweet comments named Amy from Fate-Filled Times

I'm horrible with leaving comments for you gals and possibly guys that follow along here and leave me uplifting messages and I'm so sorry.
I vow to make better connections.
I love you all.

Peace and Love.


Unknown said...

Hello, spiraled here from our sanctuary, and thought to say hello, and how are those dreadies going, I get 4-6 weeks into mine and end up brushing them out!

Roots and Feathers said...

im so excited we are doing the intuitive heart sanctuary right along side each other. i didnt think you were in it after the comment you left on facebook, so i was so happily surprised when your friend request popped up in my email!!! love you!

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad we are there together! and yay for your studio space! i totally ache for one too. i'm trying to clean up a corner right now in our tiny apartments so i can make it my sacred creating space. it's a little overwhelming but i'm pushing on. :-)

adorable babies!!!