Monday, December 20, 2010


Here's a sneak peek at Leena's Christmas dress. It needs a bit of altering so it's not so long on her but other than that, I love it. :)

But right now I am sleepy and could kill for a piece of toast. Good thing tomorrow I have my massage to keep that from happening…one more day. ONE MORE DAY. (P.S. Did I mention I still am not hungry…just that desperate to eat something for the sake of chewing. I gag every time a liquid hits my mouth now even if it tastes great.)

Peace and Love….and happy eating.


Moonaskingtostay said...

Soo cute! Love the dress!

Roots and Feathers said...

from what i see, it looks adorable!

Charlotte said...

unrelated: I've been listening to your music playlist for at least a solid hour and I love the 12 things at Christmas that are such a pain to me... especially "hanging the Christmas lights". :D